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About Us

About Us, the folks behind Happy Mango Beads:

Happy Mango Beads is an internet-based business located near the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in a small town called Berthoud.  It all started more than 30 years ago when Rudi Taylor began collecting African Trade Beads as a hobby. As the collection grew she tried selling some of the beads, and after a lot of nurturing, Happy Mango Beads was born. Because of Rudi's love of travel (and history in the import/export field), it was the perfect business for her.  Now she travels all over the world to countries such as Peru, Nepal, Indonesia, China, Ghana, and Italy (to name a few) in search of special beads, pendants, and amulets. Rudi LOVES her work and she love beads! We believe Happy Mango Beads is a reflection of that.

Outside of Happy Mango Beads, Rudi enjoy spending time with her 5 dogs and very large family, including 12 grandchildren! She is founder of the nonprofit, Harley's Dream, an animal welfare organization which educates the public about the cruel reality of the commercial dog breeding industry (also known as puppy mills). She enjoys bike riding, camping, sailing, and of course, TRAVEL! Rudi also has a fabulous store in the same building as Happy Mango Beads - it's called Wishful Living and it's filled with all sorts of treasures she's imported during her travels.



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