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4th of July ~ Red, White & Blue 2010

"4th of July ~ Red, White & Blue Beading Contest" WINNERS!
What fun!!  Thank you to everyone who entered our “4th of July ~ Red, White & Blue Beading Contest”.  We had a total of 65 entries.  Our judges were having a difficult time selecting a single winner from each of the 4 categories and they asked if we could break the categories down further, which of course created more winners and many ties!  The overall winner of each main category (necklace, bracelete, earrings, miscellaneous) will receive a 1lb+ bag of ‘very cool’ mixed beads and the winners of the sub-categories will receive a smaller bag of ‘also very cool’ mixed beads.  Our judges were very impressed with the variety of designs and the great compositions, plus how ‘fun to wear’ so many of the items are.  We at Happy Mango Beads appreciate the effort of all contestants and we look forward to the next beading contest.
1st Place - Necklace - Barbara Sweet
1st Place - Bracelet - (tie) Lauren Moore & Eleanor Burian-Mohr
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1st Place - Earrings - Allison Cooling "Star Spangled Earrings"
1st Place - Miscellaneous - Sydney Alfano "Firecracker Lily"
Artistic - RG France "My America"
Patriotic - (tie) Cindy Lesher & Candace Stribling
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Fun & Funky - (tie) Lori Sullivan & Elena Willets
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Ethnic - (tie) Joan Hewett & LizAArt
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Simple Beauty - (tie) Linda Velleco & Brenda Hennessy "Stars & Stripes 4ever"
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Elegant - Mary Heinricht
Seed Beads - Jane Reichhold "Starry Night with Fireworks"
Nature - Mhdlon Madcap "A 4th Rendition"
Honorable Mention - Vicky Braden's Texas necklace (she made this pendant), Carl Schneider's beautiful composition using stones & coral, LauraAnne Logar's "I Love America" bracelet, and Sadie Ellis' earrings made from a recycled guitar string
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